The Select Lessons
At the headquarter in Chigasaki you are welcome to enroll into
The Blumenschule SELECT LESSONS
They function as trial lessons for newcomers.
We are also able to come to your school and teach the Select Lessons to your students!
Until now, our 144 items were taught in a regular order, from No.1 to No.2 to No.3 up to No.144.
Divided in 4 levels, Beginner, Basic, Progess and Intensive.
This is still the best way to study, step by step.
We selected 9 flower designs and grouped them into 3 collections.
The Select lessons are meant to be starter lessons, trial lessons for new students.
Be welcome!
You can choose your favorite item from 9 selected designs.
We do not ask for a member fee up to 3 items!
So, feel free to try our lessons in an easy and relaxed way.
Choose your favorite design and your best day!
We offer lessons in Japanese and in English.
Kozue Takahashi is your instructor teaching in Japanese.
Gabriele Kubo is your instructor teaching in English and in Japanese.
Lessons take place one day in a month.
Lesson fee:
1item ¥7,400(incl. material and text, plus tax)
Up to 3 items, your member fee is ¥0.
From the 4th item, the member fee will be ¥4.000.
It's a one time payment.
①10:00~12:00 ②13:00~15:00 ③15:30~17:30
Your teacher:
in Japanese: Kozue Takahashi, Professional Instructor
in English and Japanese: Gabriele Kubo, Meister Instructor
Hana Ami Blumenschule headquarter
Kanagawa, Chigasaki City, Matsugaoka 2-11-5
We offer 9 out of our 144 flower designs, which characterize our school:
The Square Selection
A1 Building a construction like a trellis. This item will teach you useful techniques
A2 A mat as a structural design. This workpiece has a Japanese atmosphere.
A3 The Flemish Frame: Inside a frame, flowers are gathering. Shells and feathers are added, the workpiece looks like a picture.
A1 The hedge
A2 Upright rectangle
A3 Flemish picture
The Strauss Selection
B1 Learn how to tie a handtied bouquet ( Strauss in German), how to add and how to place the flowers correctly.
B2 A bouquet with a structure. Learn about he balance between the compact inner flowers and the light outer structure.
B3 A long stem bouquet, wrapped into a natural grass mat. A combination of fresh and dry flowers.
B1 Round Strauss, staggered
B2 Loosened outline with a compact inner life
B3 Wrapped Strauss
The Christmas collection
C1 A fresh green wreath, using a traditional German wreath binding technique
C2 A star made out of dry lavender combined with expressive flowers. A modern Christmas item
C3 A handtied bouquet with a candle in the center. This design contains many detailed wiring techniques.
C1 Advent wreath, binding technique
C2 A star as a present
C3 Christmas candle Strauss
Choose your design, choose your days
From the menue below, choose your favorite design and the dates, which fit to your schedule.
Up to 3 lessons is member-fee-free!
1 item :no member fee
2 items: no member fee
3 items: no member fee
4 items: from here, you turn into a Hana Ami Blumenschule student! We ask for a one-time member fee of ¥5.000
Your chance to switch into the regular courses
If you liked our lessons, you can switch into the regular Blumenschule courses at any time. We will count the Select lessons you took into your student booklet. No added member fee occurs.
If you need more informations, please call or mail us:
Hana Ami Blumenschule head quarter
tel 0467-87-0987
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